
Cyber Security Training

In today’s world, we continue to watch breach after breach resulting in finance data/personal records falling into the hands of cyber criminals. Statistics show that on an average of over 700,000 detected intrusion attempts daily and that's only the events they catch! Due to increased attacks by hackers, Cyber Security is a necessity and an increasing global concern. Challenges facing the companies are where to start the daunting task of securing infrastructure, training your end users and protecting confidential and sensitive data.

Our absolute dependency on the cyber technologies for most economic, commercial,political and social systems and processes, attacks or exploits that target or transit these technologies, and which may deliberately or accidentally bring said services to a halt, represent an existential threat to our globalised systems of trade, supply chain management, finance and the financial markets, governance and security.

Our training course Introduction to Cyber Security is the foundational training for all users whether they are into management or Information Technology developers or business users. Create better equipped teams with the up to date knowledge on threats we all face and the hands-on skills on how to to address them.

Course Objectives

  • Overview of the Hacking Cycle
  • Phases of Network Reconnaissance
  • Use and Methodology of Network Scanning Tools
  • DNS Analysis and Manipulation
  • Malware Types
  • Defensive Postures
  • Security Appliance Types and Uses
  • Defense in Depth Model
  • Access Control Mechanisms
  • Authentication Protocol Types and Uses
  • Encryption Protocol Types and Uses
  • VPN Protocol Types and Uses

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