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Quality Assurance Training

Quality Assurance Role

Quality assurance role is responsible for guaranteeing a level of quality for the end client, and to help the software development team to identify problems early in the process. It is not surprising that people in this role are often known as "testers". Of course, the role is more than just testing. It's about contributing to the quality of the final product. This role is an important factor when it comes to any product or service. With the high market competition, quality has become the market differentiator for almost all products and services. Quality assurance team of the organization has many responsibilities. First and foremost responsibility is to define a process for achieving and improving quality. Every organizations have their own process and others adopt a standard processes. Quality assurance function of an organization uses a number of tools for enhancing the quality practices. These tools vary from simple techniques to sophisticated software systems.


Our Training

The focus of our training narrows down to Quality Center and enable participants learn, experiment and implement the advanced concepts involved in test automation using Quality Center. We provide ample examples, real time project execises and case studies to understand and apply the techniques learned in our classes. After the completion of the course, the participants would be able to understand Quality Center; add requirements in the requirement tab; create test scripts in the test plan tab; execute test scripts in the test lab tab; and add defects to the defect tab.

Outline of course contents:
  • Introduction to Quality
  • Quality Principles
  • Software Quality Assurance and Quality Control
  • Quality Center Basics
  • Requirement Specification in QC
  • Notification and Report Generations
  • Test Planning in QC
  • Test Execution in QC
  • Defect Tracking
  • Analysis & Reporting in QC

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